Author/ARtist: MJf
The lines of poetry are inspired by people I meet, fleeting thoughts, funny moments, frustrations, or emotions.
The art comes from some of my old journal entries.

“His kindness was sweet, like a cherry from a tree.
My favorite was the smile he only saved for me.”
“I want to be like the fox.
Clever, independent, resourceful.
Alas, I am more like the hare.
Adaptable, Vigilant, fearful.”

“Her compassion and heart are her bravest by far
She speaks with such grace, she is bright as a star
And though she be dying, her humor never fails
With a laugh and a wink, she’ll leave you impaled.”

“I am plagued everyday by an ache in my brain,
I cannot pin it down as to what.
Be it lack of fulfillment, water, or sun,
I dig myself deeper, and I’m stuck.”
“Sometimes my nightmares won’t let me wake up
And I’m stuck in a life I escaped from”

“The road rage is real
When there is no place to be
But to be there now.”
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