majestic oak tree from trunk to canopy

The brush of a summer wind plays carelessly through my hair.

Nothing compares to the scorching sun, 

Days without a care.

I relish in the brutal heat, wanting time to freeze right now.

Lying beneath the live oak tree,

My wish to bottle it somehow.

Capture the moment of summer’s perfection, not a blemish to be seen.

A cloudless sky of blue above,

Like a step into a dream.

On a blanket beneath the leaves my mind free of any thoughts.

This is peace I desire most,

In a field of forget-me-nots.

Listening to songbirds sing and the bees gentle buzz,

Transport me to the past,

A moment of first true love.

I remember the way their lips taste, and the crinkle of smile lines,

Laugh that trapped my wild heart,

A memory lost to time.

The sun dips low on the horizon, an opulent display.

I could wish for nothing more than this,

A perfect summer day. 

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